Releaseday Niemanders II
Today, September 6th 2024, is the day that our second album Niemanders II is out there!
Catch us live at:
7 september 2024 – Nacht Van De Niemander – Luxor Live – Arnhem
12 september 2024 – De Nobel – Leiden
20 september 2024 – Neushoorn – Leeuwarden
21 september 2024 – EKKO – Utrecht
8 november 2024 – DRU poppodium – Ulft
- Het Spel
- Nalembi (ft. Guy-El Mabiala)
- Soloman (ft. Isma IP)
- Miss Information
- Oorlogskind (ft. KaisR)
- Iβm Rising (ft. Isma IP)
- Marsi (ft. Q Mars)
- Hoop
- Le Mal (ft. Guy-El Mabiala)
- Ashegh (ft. Hamid Reza Behzadian)
- This Phonecall Made Me So High
- Mermaid Song (ft. Isma IP)
- Belle Du Jour
βHet Spelβ words by Rocco Ostermann, music by Rocco Ostermann, Rick Wiegerinck, Wout
Kemkens, ISMA IP and Mo
βNalembiβ words by Guy-El Mabiala, music by Guy-El Mabiala, Wout Kemkens, Rick
Wiegerinck and Rocco Ostermann
βSolomanβ words by ISMA IP, music by Wout Kemkens, Rick Wiegerinck, Rocco Ostermann
and Guy-El Mabiala
βMiss Informationβ words by Rocco Ostermann and Guy-El Mabiala, music by Rocco
Ostermann, Wout Kemkens, Rick Wiegerinck and Charlotte Msema
βOorlogskindβ words by KaisR, music by Rocco Ostermann, Wout Kemkens and Rick
βIβm Risingβ words by ISMA IP, music by Rocco Ostermann, Wout Kemkens and Rick
βMarsiβ words by Q Mars, music by Wout Kemkens, Rick Wiegerinck and Hamid Reza
βHoopβ words by Rocco Ostermann, music by Rocco Ostermann and Rick Wiegerinck
βLe Malβ words by Guy-El Mabiala, music by Guy-El Mabiala
βAsheghβ words by Rumi, music by Wout Kemkens, Rocco Ostermann, Rick Wiegerinck and
Hamid Reza Behzadian
βThis Phonecall Made Me So Highβ words by Rocco Ostermann and Wout Kemkens, music
by Wout Kemkens, Rocco Ostermann and Rick Wiegerinck
βMermaid Songβ words by ISMA IP, music by Rocco Ostermann, Wout Kemkens, Rick
Wiegerinck, KaisR and Eylem Das
βBelle Du Jourβ words by Rocco Ostermann, music by Rocco Ostermann, Wout Kemkens
and Rick Wiegerinck
Produced by Rick Wiegerinck
Co-produced by Rocco Ostermann and Wout Kemkens
Mixed by Rick Wiegerinck
Engineering by Rick Wiegerinck
Mastered by Darius van Helfteren
Tape master by Roy Klein Entink
Recordings in Brix Media, Royβs Kitchen AZC Grave, AZC Assen, AZC Leeuwarden, AZC
Arnhem, AZC Oisterwijk, livingroom Oss and Jacobiberg
Album photography by Louise te Poele
Artwork by William van Giessen
Rick Wiegerinck – Keys, beatmaker, FX, background vocals
Rocco Ostermann – Vocals, guitars, bass and keys
Wout Kemkens – Guitars, bass and background vocals
Guy-El Mabiala – Vocals, keys
Q Mars – Vocals
Isma IP – Vocals
KaisR – Vocals, beatboxing
Hamid Reza Behzadian – Vocals, harmonica, lapsteel, Indian slide guitar
Bram Knol – Drums, percussion
Matthijs Stronks – Keys
Paby Sow – Percussion
Fally Diaw – Percussion
Ebale MbonguΓ© – Percussion
Eylem Das – Saz
Hakam – Guitars
Erik Harbers – Bass
Jarno van Es – Keys
Dewi Lopulalan – Choir vocals
Sylvana Djoemat – Choir vocals
Marta Goc – Choir vocals
Sandra Magwenzi – Choir vocals
Mo – background vocals
Thank you for helping us in the process of making this album:
Roy Klein Entink, Maike Fleuren, Louise te Poele, Ahmed Soliman, Herma van Gerestijn,
Robert Houtman, Collin van Gerven, Ankemarije Piebinga, Rene Visser, Enzo Mulder,
Belinda Limani, William van Giessen, Winnie Willemsen, Richard Wiegerinck, Ellen
Wiegerinck, Esmee Le Can, Luc Jeuken, Stefan Hayes, Demi Veenendaal, COA, Noortje
Kessels, Joyce Smeltink, Roos Smit, Gijs Jolink, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie, Gemeente
Arnhem, V2 Records and Luxor Live.