Saturday 27 July 2024
freedom issue
de Niemanders

The search for stories continues. This time in refugee asylums across the country.

We’re back

In 2019 and 2020, songwriters and musicians Rocco Ostermann and Wout Kemkens embarked on a captivating quest, visiting prisons in search of remarkable stories and talented musicians. Now, in 2023, we’re back and hitting the road once again. This time, we are showing our faces in asylum centres across the country together with a third team member: producer Rick Wiegerinck. 

We defy creative limits, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression by exploring new methods, styles, and band compositions. We venture into diverse media forms, from newspapers to podcasts and even live music festivals. Our team has expanded, welcoming a podcast maker and editor into our band of nobodyers. 

There are countless stories waiting to be heard, if only given the opportunity.

– Rocco Ostermann

Together with participants from asylum centres, we craft extraordinary, high-quality end music, a newspaper and website and a podcast. On this website, we proudly share these creations and their behind-the-scenes journey with the world. Join us in experiencing a realm where creativity knows no boundaries.

With this project we want to investigate the worlds of different ‘nobody’s’ and make them more transparent for the public: this is how ‘nobody’s’ becomes ‘somebody’s

Wout Kemkens



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